Only the client and the persons mentioned in the present order are allowed to use the apartments and stay inside them during the rental.
The users are obliged to keep the apartment and the whole building clean, not to destroy the apartment and the whole building and they pledge to recompense any damage which they cause in the apartment or in the building.
It is forbidden to move and transfer furniture in the apartments, to take skis and snowboards into the whole building, to wear outdoor shoes and ski boots anywhere except the entrance hall on the ground floor and to take animals into the building.
It is strictly forbidden to smoke in front of the main entrance, where the recuperation intake is located (controlled fresh air ventilation) and in the apartments.
It is forbidden to make noise after 10 p.m.
In case the client breaches the terms of use of the apartments, the owner of the apartments is allowed to request the payment of a fine in the amount of 1.000 CZK (40,- EUR) for each breach. In case the client breaches the terms of use repeatedly, the owner of the apartments is allowed to request the payment of the fine repeatedly or to exclude the client from the accommodation without any compensation and to take the unpaid fines from the deposit paid by the client upon arrival.
The client is obliged to present ID cards or passports of all the accommodated guests upon arrival to fill in the guestbook.
In case they have not agreed differently with the owner of the building, the client is obliged to pay a refundable deposit in the amount of 2.500 CZK (100,- EUR) upon arrival, which will be used to settle any possible damage in the apartment or the whole building caused by the client during their stay. If everything is in order when the client hands over the apartment and the keys before the departure, the deposit will be returned to him in full amount. On the other hand, in case the client has caused a damage higher than the paid deposit, they pledge to pay off the compensation of the damage caused to the owner during their stay.
The client also pledges to pay a recreation fee upon arrival according to the general regulation of the town Rokytnice nad Jizerou, which the owner is obliged to pay to the municipality according to the local regulations.
Payment conditions
The client is obliged to pay a half of the fixed price of the stay to the bank account belonging to the owner of the apartments 3 days from the confirmation of the order by the owner at the latest (below also only “reservation fee”). In case the fixed amount is not paid before the determined deadline, the order becomes invalid.
The client is obliged to pay the rest of the price of the stay 30 days before the day of arrival to the bank account of the owner of the apartments and in case the client does not do so, the order will be cancelled automatically and the owner will keep the paid reservation fee.
In case the client cancels their order more than 30 days before the day of arrival, the owner of the apartments will keep the paid reservation fee. In case the client cancels less than 30 days before the date of arrival, the owner of the apartments will keep not only the reservation fee, but also the already paid rest of the price of the stay.
The owner also reserves his right to refuse any change in the specification of the order after the payment of the price of the stay (e.g. number of persons, date of stay etc.) and refuse to reimburse the paid amount.